Ep. 38Building Trails in Burn Areas

Today we’re talking trails! What do trails have to do with wildfire, you ask? Well, ask any trail builder that question and they’ll tell you that they’re kind of a pain to rebuild (and cut out) after wildfires. Today’s guest Dillon Osleger is a trail builder, an environmental advocate, scientist and Executive Director of the Sage Trail Alliance, and also works with Protect Our Winters as both a creative and an athlete. He’s done a fair bit of both trail building and trail rehab in the aftermath of wildfires, and has some great perspectives on how folks who like to use trails can become more engaged in keeping those trails looking good both before and after wildfire impacts.

Links and Shownotes

To see what Dillon’s been up to, check out his website as well as a recent film he worked on about the impacts of drought, beetle kill and wildfire on trails in southwest Colorado. 

To learn more about Protect our Winters, the sponsor of our wildfire and recreation series, and their Stoke the Vote campaign, check out their website

Music featured in the POW ad by Goth Babe

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